Wondering if it is possible to lose weight fast in 2 weeks?
Maybe there is a special event in two weeks that you want to look great for and get in shape for. Or you just want to see fast results to keep you motivated on your weight loss goal.
Losing weight in 2 weeks is possible, and it can also happen in a healthy way.
But there is no magic pill for rapid weight loss. Nor, fad diets are ever the right answer.
In this post, you will learn the healthy way to lose weight in two weeks. And how to pivot into a healthy lifestyle.
Get ready for this weight loss journey.
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How to Lose Weight Fast In 2 Weeks

Weight loss goals vary from person to person, but the way to lose weight is usually the same.
You may wonder how much weight I can lose in 2 weeks. It depends on your metabolism. Men tend to lose weight the fastest with their increased muscle mass. Women tend to take a little longer to lose those pounds.
Controlling the number of calories coming in and the number of calories going out is known as calories being burned.
Because of the short time, it’s tempting to start crash dieting, exercising every day, and putting your life on hold for that fast weight loss. The pleasure of eating may become less with the strict plan, but the pleasure of achieving your goal can be a great motivator.
The problem with this approach is that it is not sustainable, it can be exhausting and actually lead to body fat gain and overall health difficulties in the future.
The key to weight loss in two weeks is having a calorie deficit, that is well-planned and balanced in combination with the best exercise routine. This can lead to healthy weight loss that can jump-start you to a lifestyle change if done right.
Calorie Deficit
Controlling your calorie intake takes planning and awareness to lose the weight in the 2 weeks you have planned.
Quick Tip: 1 pound of weight equals about 3500 calories.
This means that to lose one pound, you either need to burn at least 500 calories per day or eat 500 calories less. Either way, the pounds you lose will need to come from somewhere.
There are several ways to create a calorie deficit.
- Consuming fewer calories, changing lifestyle habits (avoiding fast food runs)
- Recording caloric intake to identify foods to eliminate or reduce
- Decide on times for mealtime and only eat at those times
- Eat half of what you would eat at dinner or split your dinner in half to be eaten at a later time
- Do not use pasta sauces, as they tend to have extra sugar and calories. Instead, make your own.
- Choose to fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables.
- Choose lean proteins, these tend to be chicken, fish, eggs
- Do not fry foods or buy fried foods, use olive oil to cook foods.
- Eliminate drinks that add calories, like sugary beverages, homemade fresh fruit drinks, and alcohol
- Add green tea, black coffee, or a glass of water
Reduce simple carbs
Carbohydrates are an important part of your food intake.
It’s the type and amount of carbohydrates that you choose that make or break your weight loss goals.
In order to have a low-calorie intake, eliminating simple carbs is the simplest way to get there.
How to eliminate simple carbs:
- Stop using table sugar for coffee or dipping it in fruits.
- Eliminate sweet pastries with marmalades and sugar drizzled on top.
- Pies and cakes add unnecessary amounts of sugar, get rid of those.
- During snack time, don’t forget to include a protein with your carb. For example, yogurt with your fruit.
- Remember, you are trying to lose weight in two weeks, so this is only temporary.
Increase Lean Proteins
Protein sources can be animal and plant-based sources. To choose a protein that is the leanest in fat is to choose a plant-based protein. Per meal, 3 ounces of protein or about what fits in the palm of your hand.
But if you just can’t do without animal protein, you can always choose lean meats. Lean meats will be fish and poultry, with their skin removed before cooking.
Because protein is a larger molecule, it takes longer to digest and will make you feel full longer. The added benefit of increased healthy protein choices is that your rate of appetite is controlled. That is why adding protein to your snacks also helps with cravings and reduces weight gain.
Add Whole Grains for fewer calories
Yes! whole grains have carbs, but they have what’s called complex carbohydrates. These tend to be larger molecules that do not provide fiber, vitamins, or minerals and may help your cardiovascular health. [6]
How to eat whole grains:
- Avoid white bread and white rice
- Choose whole wheat bread with at least 5 grams of fiber
- Include whole grain cereals, tortillas, and legumes
Enjoy whole foods and eliminate processed foods
Whole foods are those that are easily harvested and eaten.
These types of foods tend to have the correct amount of antioxidants and nutrients.
Although vitamins and minerals can be obtained with supplements, you are always better off with whole foods.
Unfortunately, processed foods like pre-packaged meals, frozen foods, and fast foods all have excess sugar, fat, and sodium.
This sugar increases calories and the sodium mostly used as a preservative can retain water in the body and contribute to increased perceived weight.
That is why for better results that can last a long time past the two weeks, is simply cook with whole foods, herbs, and spices.
In the weeks that you will be on this journey the weight loss regime will be tough and strict, but remember that it is only for two short weeks.
The good news is that as you return to eating what you like, you can choose what you will allow back into your life.
Eating plenty of proteins that are lean with whole foods, you will lose weight and also improve your overall health.
If you love junk food, it won’t be easy to get rid of the cravings, but over a longer period and small changes it is possible to completely control your appetite for it, that also goes for those with a sweet tooth.
Foods to eliminate now:
- Pound cake
- Donuts
- Fast food
- Frozen meals
- Pre-packaged food
- Restaurant food (unless you choose the under 500-calorie dish)
- Sugary drinks, to quench thirst the best option is water.
Snacking on Healthy Foods for weight loss
Eating between meals can be helpful in your journey.
Snacking 1-3 times per day can help with blood sugar control, better hunger cues, improved metabolism, limited feelings of tiredness, and appetite control.
By choosing to include snacking behavior throughout the day, you can improve your chances of losing pounds. The trick is to remember to choose whole foods that include carbohydrates with protein intake.
How to arrange a healthy snack:
- Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
- Whole wheat toast with sliced hard-boiled eggs
- Yogurt with fresh fruit
- Protein intake through natural protein shakes that include; nuts, seeds, nut butters, dairy products, and protein beverages like soy milk, oat milk, and almond milk.
- Increase so much water that you feel satisfied with your snack.
Keep in mind that those 100-calorie cookie snacks are unhealthy snacks, they provide pure sugar and no other nourishment that can benefit you.
Eat More Healthy Fats
Fat can be healthy, as long as you choose healthy fats and eat them in moderation, they help with feeling full longer, and transport hormones and nutrients through the body.
The cause of fat being a problem is that there are more calories per gram than carbohydrates and protein per gram. Specifically, there are 9 calories per gram of fat versus 4 calories per gram in carbohydrates and protein.
What distinguishes healthy fat vs. unhealthy fat is the type it is. If it is saturated fat, usually found in protein sources from animals it can be the cause of heart disease and artery blockages.
An unsaturated fat, also known as monounsaturated fat can be found in some animal proteins and plant-based proteins.
Healthy Choice to choose:
- Olive oil
- Vegetable oil
- Avocado
- Nut butters
- Fish
- Chicken with skin removed
- Lean meats like beef with less marbling in the muscle
- Foods to avoid:
- Lard
- Large amounts of butter
- Beef with a lot of marbling
- Deep fried foods
Allow for Enough Sleep at night
Have you ever felt like a zombie the day after skipping a few hours of sleep?
Sleeping is essential to your health and weight loss plan, it is also what keeps you in balance during the day.
Sad to say people are not getting enough sleep, especially those that work several jobs, are new parents, college students, or worry a lot.
Studies have shown that not getting enough sleep can adversely affect weight loss. [4]
A study had 16 adults get five hours of sleep for five nights. They gained an average of 1.8 pounds over the short course of this study [4]
Not having enough sleep can cause weight gain which can lead to obesity. A person that is in the obese category is at higher risk of increased leptin levels that regulate appetite, making it even more difficult to control the intake of calories. [8]
Try intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting is another effective way to lose a large amount of weight. It has been a proven tool for dropping fat.
It makes you lower your calorie intake since you are limiting you’re eating to a short window of time.
There are many ways to fast, such as a 16-hour fast with an 8-hour feeding time, or a 20-hour fast with a 4-hour feeding time.
Be aware that some medical conditions require a steady stream of calories, this may not be an appropriate approach for everyone. You may need to speak to a dietitian or your medical provider to help you figure out if this is for you.
Also, working out is best done during feeding time.
Start Moving Your Body
Any movement beyond your normal routine is good.
No matter if you have a manual job or a desk job, your body can get used to the routine and you will need to exercise more. Increase physical activity to 150 minutes per week and add exercises that strengthen muscles at least twice per week.
Burning a few extra calories can add up: (it all adds up)
- Walk the longest routes at work.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Park your car in the furthest parking spot from the entrance.
- Walk 10-30 minutes during your lunch break
- Use a standing desk.
- These can be effective ways to lose weight, without resorting to crash dieting
Add Strength training and HIIT
The two things that must always be together are exercise and diet.
Resistance training, when done with cardio exercises can help your body burn fat while gaining lean muscle mass.
When you have more muscle mass, your muscles will continue to burn fat even after your exercise.
HIIT, also known as High-Intensity Interval Training is a more intense way of burning calories. These are high-intensity bursts for 30 to 60 seconds, with resting for a period of seconds or minutes per exercise.
The bottom line on How to Lose Weight In 2 Weeks
Eating healthy and exercising can help you lose weight, albeit it some of it can be fat loss and water weight. But lifestyle changes can help with getting you in the right direction of losing weight quickly.
Because some of this weight loss is due to losing water weight, it is possible that you will gain some of it back. Usually when you start eating a little more.
This is not a long-haul solution, this is losing pounds in a short period of time for a short-term goal.
The best way to lose weight in the long term is with a diet plan created for you by a Dietitian that includes a variety of healthy choices. Also, a fitness plan guided by a personal trainer.
For a long-term solution, speaking with a nutritionist about a balanced diet can help. They will usually help manage nutrition intake to control blood sugar levels, lose a lot of weight within a longer time frame, and help you reduce obesity for the long haul.
Also, doing cardio, getting on a treadmill, strength training, and HIIT workouts done in the long term can create habits that help in building muscle and burning more fat.
Achieving long-term weight loss is hard work and takes a long time of consistent work.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, it is not intended to diagnose, treat or circumvent medical health professional advice. Please consult with your doctor before attempting a weight loss program.