Strong legs are essential for a healthy physique. Sculpting and toning your legs, including calves, not only transforms your lower body but also aids in fat loss and promotes good bone health.

Regardless of your body type, training your legs effectively can be challenging. The key lies in targeting multiple large leg muscles simultaneously, maximizing calorie and fat burn.

Each leg comprises various muscle groups, including inner and outer thighs, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. By incorporating the following three exercises into your routine, you’ll witness noticeable results in no time!

Before beginning, ensure you select dumbbells suitable for your experience level, starting with lighter weights and gradually increasing.

Let’s dive in! Here are the top three leg exercises to shed thigh fat and completely reshape your legs.

The Best 3 Exercises to Lose Leg Fat

Leg exercises to lose leg fat

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1. Dumbbell Deadlift

Dumbbell Deadlift

Dumbbell deadlifts target your hamstrings. But don’t be fooled, you’ll also work your back, quads, and calves. 

While the goal of this move is your legs, you’ll work your whole body.

If dumbbells are a bit too much, you can also use your body weight or resistance bands. 

Use heavy enough weight that you can complete 8 – 10 reps per set. 

How to Perform:

  • Hold your dumbbells with an overhand grip. Step your feet out to shoulder-width distance apart.
  • Have a slight bend in your knees. Your arms will hang in front of your legs with your palms facing your quads. 
  • Hinge forward at your hips as you slowly lower the dumbbells down to your shins. Notice the stretch in the back of your legs. 
  • Engage your abs and glutes. Return to the starting position. 
  • Complete 2 – 3 sets of 8 – 10 reps.

2. Dumbbell Curtsy Squat

Dumbbell Curtsy Squat

The dumbbell curtsy squat is a sneaky exercise. It will build strength and stability in your lower body. 

It targets your gluteus medius. This muscle controls your hip stability, mobility, and range of motion. You’ll also work your quads, glutes, and hamstrings. 

It’s efficient in also engaging your core and back. 

How to Perform:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width distance apart and a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other. 
  • Using your core for stability, step your right foot behind your left. Lower your right knee until it is floating above the ground. Your left knee will be at a 90-degree angle. Hold.
  • Press through your left heel to return back to the starting position. Repeat on the left side. That is 1 rep. 
  • Repeat for 2 – 3 sets of 8 – 10 reps.

3. Bulgarian Split Squat

Bulgarian Split Squat

Last up is the kettlebell Bulgarian split squat! 

This is a unilateral exercise. This means it can help restore your balance and potentially correct muscle imbalances. It mainly works your hamstrings, quads, and glutes. 

In your elevated leg, you’ll use your glutes and hamstrings. In your standing leg, you’ll also work your quad and calf.

How to Perform:

  • Stand in front of a bench or chair, facing away. Hold your kettlebell at your shoulder level.
  • Place the top of your right foot on top of the bench or chair. Your left foot is forward enough for a lunge.
  • Bend your left knee to a 90-degree angle. As you lower, your right knee will also create the same angle, hovering above the floor. 
  • Press through your front foot to return to the starting position.
  • Complete 10 reps on each side for 2 – 3 reps. Finish one side before moving on to the next.

Adding these 3 exercises to your regular workout routine will light your legs on fire. Consistency is key! Keep it up and you’ll have stronger and more toned legs in just a few short weeks. 

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