Is a stiff neck causing you discomfort? You’re not alone. Neck pain is a common complaint, but it doesn’t have to control your life. By incorporating these simple stretches into your daily routine, you can alleviate tension, improve mobility, and reduce pain.

Remember: Always listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself to the point of pain. If you experience any discomfort, stop and consult with a healthcare professional.

Neck stretches

The following are neck stretches you can try to relieve tension.

1. Sidebend Neck Tilts Stretch

This effective stretch targets the muscles along the sides of your neck, providing relief from tension and discomfort. Incorporate it into your daily routine for a more relaxed and pain-free neck.

How to perform:

  • Sit upright with a straight spine.
  • Tilt your head towards your right shoulder.
  • If needed, use your right hand to gently increase the stretch.
  • Hold for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat 10 times on each side.

2. Backward Neck Tilt Stretch

Enhance your range of motion and reduce stiffness with the backward neck tilt. It’s a simple and effective stretch for daily neck pain relief.

How to Perform:

  • Sit or stand tall with a straight spine.
  • Tilt your head back, bringing the base of your skull towards your back.
  • Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 10-15 times.

      3. Chin Tucks Stretch

      This simple yet effective stretch targets the muscles in the back of your neck and shoulders, helping to relieve tension and improve mobility.

      How to perform:

      • Sit upright in a chair with your back straight.
      • Place both hands behind your head, clasping your fingers together.
      • Gently pull your head forward, bringing your chin towards your chest.
      • Keep your back straight and avoid tilting your head to the side.
      • Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds, or until you feel a gentle stretch in the back of your neck and shoulders.
      • Release and repeat 10-15 times.


        3 Neck Stretches

        Always listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself to the point of pain. If you experience any discomfort, stop and consult with a healthcare professional.

        Consistent stretching can significantly improve neck mobility and reduce pain. 1 Make these exercises a part of your daily routine and enjoy the benefits of a more relaxed and comfortable neck